Exposome of Asthma Patients

What is this study?

We know that air quality affects lung health. The Exposome of Asthma Patients study hopes to better understand how personal exposures to airborne irritants and pollution can impact asthma symptoms. This research will look at what substances are absorbed by a silicone wristband over 7-10 days and how those substances relate to asthma exacerbations. This is a pilot study to assess personal exposures to air pollution.

What is an “exposome”?

The exposome is the sum of all environmental exposures that an individual experiences in their lifetime and how those exposures relate to health.

Who can participate?

  • Currently or previously enrolled in the Asthma Institute Research Registry
  • Have a diagnosis of asthma
  • Never smoker or have smoked less than 20 pack years
  • Does not currently live with a smoker

What can I expect in this study?

  • 1 virtual visit: give informed consent and complete a brief, baseline survey
  • Wear one silicone wristband for 7-10 days; leave a second wristband at home for 7-10 days
  • 1 clinic visit: at this visit, participants can expect to
    • Answer questions about their asthma, medical history, environment, and experience wearing the wristband
    • Undergo breathing tests
    • Complete a blood draw and provide a urine sample
    • Return both wristbands
  • Participants are compensated $25 for the virtual visit, $25 for returning both wristbands, and $50 for coming into the clinic

What do we hope to learn from this study?

We hope to determine whether chemicals and substances absorbed by the wristbands are associated with close distance to sources of pollutants/chemicals, both in participant’s homes and in their outdoor environments and whether these exposures associate with asthma symptoms and severity.